Publication Authority
The editors of IAJPR holds authority for selection of articles submitted to the journal. The rational of work in question and its importance to researchers and readers must always drive such decisions. The editor may confer with other editors or reviewer in making such decisions.
Fair Practice
The editor should examine manuscripts for their intellectual and novel content without regards to race, gender, nationality, political philosophy or religious faith of the author.
Information about the submitted manuscript should not be disclosed by editorial board to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewer, editorial advisor, potential reviewer as appropriate.
Disclosures and Conflict of Interest
Editor must not use unpublished manuscript for their own research without the written consent of author. Research ideas or information obtained through peer review must not be used for personal advantage and must be kept confidential. Editor must not entertain manuscripts which have conflict of interest resulting from collaborative, competitive, or connection with company or institute etc. Editors must rescue themselves from considering such manuscripts.
Contribution to Editor’s Decisions
Peer review process is heart of scientific communication in publication of manuscript. Peer review helps editor in making decisions and authors in improving the manuscript though editorial communication. IAJPR shares the view that all scholars who wish to contribute to publications have an obligation to do a fair share of reviewing.
The selected reviewer who feels unqualified to review the manuscript should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process.
Manuscript received for review must be treated as confidential document and should not be exposed or discussed with others without permission from editor.
Comment ethos
The comments should be crystal clear and to the point with the supporting argument.
Disclosures and Conflict of Interest
Reviewer must not use unpublished, article disclosed in a submitted manuscript for their own research without the written consent of author. Research ideas or information obtained through peer review must not be used for personal advantage and must be kept confidential. Reviewer must not entertain manuscripts which have conflict of interest resulting from collaborative, competitive or connection with company or institute etc. Reviewer must rescue themselves from considering such manuscripts.
Standard Reporting
Authors submitting reports of original research should present an adequate amount of the research work performed along with objective, discussion of its significance. Important data should be reported accurately in the paper. Author should provide sufficient details and references to permit others to replicate the work and push boundaries of research.
Originality and Plagiarism
The authors should submit entirely original work. Plagiarism is unauthorized use of the language and thoughts of another author and presentation of them as one’s own. Authors are requested not to encourage such unethical practice. Author must use citation to document all ideas and significant information that are not their own.
Animal and Human Subjects
In research work involving procedures, chemicals or instruments that cause hazards inherent in their use should be clearly mentioned in the manuscript. Use of animal or human subjects should be done with prior permission from ethical committee and should be mentioned in manuscript.
Author should acknowledge work of others that have been influential in their research by citation of reference. Information produced in course of confidential services should not be used without permission of the author.
Errors in published work
If an author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in his published work, it is the author’s obligation to notify the editor. If the author discovers a major error or inaccuracy in the published work from third party, it is authors obligation to correct or retract the paper.