About Conflict of Interest Policy
A Conflict of Interest (COI) arises when an individual or institution has a relationship, whether personal or otherwise, that has the potential to compromise or interfere with their professional objectivity or judgment regarding related issues. A COI can be categorized as actual if a real relationship exists, or apparent if there is a potential for a relationship that could be inferred. It is the responsibility of the Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Board members, authors, and reviewers of the Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (IAJPR) to disclose both actual and apparent Conflicts of Interest to ensure appropriate management and mitigation.
About Editors
IAJPR implements procedures to regularly obtain information on potential conflicts of interest from all Editors and Associate Editors. This information is collected annually or upon appointment and includes details such as editorial roles with related or competing journals, institutional affiliations, and frequent collaborators. Editors are responsible for managing their own conflicts of interest as well as those of their Associate Editors, staff, authors, reviewers, and Editorial Board members. They maintain an updated summary of relevant interests (financial, academic, and other) for all editorial staff and board members, with updates occurring at least annually. Submissions from Editors, Editorial Board members, or employees are handled to ensure that the review process remains anonymous, with no access to review details beyond the anonymous reviews and decisions.


Authors must disclose any personal interests or relationships that could be influenced by the publication of the manuscript. Funding sources must be acknowledged within the manuscript, and any financial interests related to corporate or commercial entities engaged with the manuscript's subject matter must be reported. The corresponding author is responsible for notifying the Editor of any actual or apparent conflicts of interest (COIs) at the time of submission. Any disclosed conflicts will be noted in the Acknowledgments section of the published article. Authors are also required to submit corrections if any conflicts of interest are identified post-publication.


Reviewers are tasked with providing an impartial evaluation of a manuscript's scientific merit. Any situation or relationship that could introduce bias into this assessment must be reported to the Editor. This includes personal relationships with the authors, concurrent research on the same topic, or professional or financial connections with organizations that have an interest in the manuscript's subject. When an actual or apparent Conflict of Interest is disclosed, the decision to use the review will be at the discretion of the Editor.