Most of the people consume cookies during their breakfast, snacks and leisure time to regulate their hunger and get some energy, in market there are varieties of cookies which are available, and the main components are refined flour, sugar and butter. Hence, are generally avoided by obese and diabetic patients as they lead to high sugar level in blood. Therefore, in this recent investigation, we have formulated Poly herbal cookies using oats, wheat flour and different Ayurveda herb. Diverse varieties were formulated using different plant to find out the best composition for cookies on the basis of palatability. After selection, cookies were formulated for the physio chemical, sensory and their nutritional analysis. Sensory analysis was evaluated based on organoleptic characteristics: color, taste, aroma and overall acceptability on the basis of 9 pointhedonic scale. Physiochemical evaluation including: total ash value, total moisture content total water and alcoholic extraction, total moisture content. On the basis of its nutritional value comparison, it was found that the protein content is higher in our formulation than the other marketed preparation.