Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in modern life. Diabetes mellitus have many complication later on in life i.e., diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy, these are the most common complications of diabetes. Nowadays case of injudicious use of antibiotics is increasing day by day. Therefore our study present with the effect of antibiotics in the renal profile of the patient with diabetes mellitus.A total of 80 blood and urine sampleseach were collected from diabetic patient and tested in automated analyser and dipstick method. Out of 80 samples from the diabetic patient, 22 patients were taking antibiotics and rest 58 were not taking antibiotics. Out of 22 antibiotic intake patients, 14 diabetic patients have deranged renal profile along with abnormal GFR. Antibiotic used in diabetes mellitus leads to derangement of renal profile. The above findings shows the adverse effects of using antibiotics for treating infections in diabetic patients.