The objective of the study was to evaluate the association between marital status and diabetic duration with regard to Cognitive dysfunction in Diabetic patients. The study carried out on 500 diabetic patients of various socio demographic characteristics over a period of eighteen months with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE scale). The objective of the research was to investigate the cognitive effects of different factors associated with health care in diabetes management in their course over time. The results of the studies show that diabetes and its complications along with socio demographic factors impart a significant impairment in cognitive domains. It is highly necessary that subjects with diabetes be screened for cognitive functioning at the earliest, considering the fact that diabetes requires high level of self management especially for better compliance. Through the research conducted the result shows that there is no significant difference in TMMSE base, 1st follow up and second follow up. There is a significant difference in cognitive function on the basis of duration of diabetes. Result concluded that patients who have diabetes for more than 2 years have a significantly decline in cognitive function.