WHO, 1985 Defines diabetic foot ulcer as an Infection, ulceration and/or destruction of deep tissues associated with neurological abnormalities and various degrees of peripheral vascular disease in the lower limb. Aim of the project is to study the impact of counseling on surgical patients to provide information and advice directed at encouraging safe and appropriate use of medication’s and to stress on the importance of carrying out life style modifications such as diet and exercise thereby enhancing therapeutic out comes. Present study was done in the Department of surgery, Rajah Muthiah Medical College and Hospital, 1210 bedded multi specialty tertiary care teaching hospital attached to Annamalai University. The impact of patient counseling on diabetic foot ulcer patient were studied and revealed that patients who had diabetic foot ulcer lacked knowledge regarding the pharmacist and their role in educating the patient regarding the disease, prescription, life style modification and adherence to the treatment schedule has been clearly revealed. The study includes regarding literacy, cessation of smoking, providing better life to the poor patients, who are away from health centres. With increased patient load, the physicians find increasingly less time to interact with patients. The patient counseling has been proved to be an important tool to improve patients compliance to the therapy, a much essential requirement to DIABETIC FOOT ULCER TREATMENT; The pharmacists and more specifically clinical pharmacists need to be included in the health care team. So that the patients would derive the benefits of clinical pharmacy services and improve their quality of life.