In our study, we load first line Anti tubercular drug Isoniazid in Chitosan nanoparticles and Chitosan coated gold nanoparticles by Ionic Gelation Method to enhance controlled, sustained and targeted drug delivery for pulmonary lung tuberculosis treatment. Chitosan in various concentrations dissolved in glacial acetic acid and D.I. water. Isoniazid (INH) taken in similar concentration dispersed in Chitosan solution followed by Tween80 was added, later Sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) was added at room temperature for Isoniazid loaded Chitosan nanoparticles preparation. Similar procedure was followed for Isoniazid loaded chitosan encapsulated on gold nanoparticles. In which gold nanoparticles and TPP was added simultaneously. In both preparations, Formulations F6 showed good entrapment efficiency and used for further experimental studies. UV-visible spectrophotometer analysis is to calculate percentage (%) drug entrapment. XRD and FT-IR analysis confirmed the presence of Chitosan coated on the drug and gold nanoparticles. TEM and SEM analysis used to characterize particle size determination. Stability of formulations was studied at different temperature conditions.