Day by day the number of people with the ailment of cervical spondylosis otherwise known as cervical osteoarthritis which is a disorder of abnormal wear and tear on the cartilage and bones called cervical vertebrae of the neck has been increasing alarmingly. More or less, less than 25 % of people below 40 years of age are facing Cervical Spondylosis [1] and about 60 % or above the age of 40 are affected by this disease. Although the role of genetics is yet to be confirmed, people with above 50 years of age who experience the condition, are more likely prone to normal or mild conditions of Cervical Spondylosis. At the age of 50, 50 % out of them suffering from cervical spondylosis and at the age of 75, 70 % out of them are the suffers with neck pain and stiffness. At the age of 60, most women and men are getting signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis. A close examination of X-ray findings evidently show that 90 % of men older than 50 years and 90 % of women older than 60 years are getting degenerative changes in the cervical spine which causes cervical spondolysis. It also evidently shows that the condition is existing in more than 90 percent of the people over the age of 65. Cervical spondylotic myelopathy is the most common cause of nontraumatic spastic paraparesis and quadriparesis and as per reports that 23.6 % of patients suffering with myelopathic symptoms. Around 1 in 10 people develop long-lasting chronic pain. Out of the people suffering from neck pain nearly 75 % with radiculopathy and 50 % with myelopathy get relief by way of therapy alone. For the remaining people suffering from radiculopathy and or myelopathy 70 to 80 percent of patients get relief with surgery. Physical exercise, meditation and yoga and less fat and vegetarian diet plays prominent role in decreasing the cervical spondylosis and to keep up bones and joints in a healthy condition and can prevent the advancement of neck and shoulder pain and the demineralization of bones.