The LSFP is administered for 08 weeks to see the changes in gonadal morphology and serum testosterone level of male Wistar rats received 300, 500 and 1000 mgkg-1 body weight of the LSFP. Material and methods: male Wistar rats [180–220 g] were divided into four groups. Grp. I: control, Grp. II: low dose [300 mg/kg], Grp. III: medium dose [500 mg/kg.]Grp. IV: higher dose [1000 mg/kg].Such doses of LSFP suspended in gum acacia [2%] were administered orally for 08 weeks. On the last day blood samples were withdrawn by retro-orbital puncture method for estimation of serum testosterone hormone level. Gonadal morphology of testis was performed for any changes. Control group findings were compared with higher dose treatment groups. Results: Serum testosterone level was significantly reduced in 500 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg LSFP dose as compared with control group male rats, which was evidenced in reduced testicular morphology.