Rheumatoid arthritis is a severe inflammatory disorder of unknown etiology. Synovial tissue is histologically examined which acts as evident for Rheumatoid arthritis disease diverseness. A genetic variation in human leukocyte antigen was considered to be the most threatening factor for treating rheumatoid arthritis. GREES(Group for the respect of ethics and excellence in science)- including members from industrial, academic and regulatory bodies held meeting and aimed for the development of a strategy for defining process essential for models prediction and tool generation for clinical practice in essential decision making for the Rheumatoid arthritis trials. The present report issued by GREES (Group for the respect of ethics and excellence in science)- focuses on designing of personalized medicines to achieve success in Rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Personalized medicine can be defined as a form of drug which involves the usage of information related to an individual’s proteins, genetic material and environmental factors for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a particular disease. Personalized medicine can be improved by factors like adding biomarkers, studying genetic variation, drug metabolism, epigenetic variations and health factors. Certain biomarkers and genomics are helpful for efficient personalized therapy. Peripheral blood, readily available biosample can acts as an ideal biomarker. On the basis of targeted biomarker, drug trials are been carried. By the application of these aspects, affected tissue can be accessed. Targeted and non-targeted biomarkers help in discovering the novel pathways for the reliable usage of personalized medicines in the effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.