Anitha K*1, T. M. Kalyankar2, U. A. Khedkar2, R. B. Gholve2
1Department of Chemistry, Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthapuram - 515003, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2School of Pharmacy, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded - 431606, Maharashtra, India.
Dr Sally John1*,Dr.Amrita Singam2, Dr Sonia Mary Thomas3
1Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Sawangi ,Wardha, Maharashtra Pin 442 001.
2Indira Gandhi Govt. Medical College, Department.of Pharmacology, Nagpur.
3Santhula Trust Hospital, Vadakkara, Oliyapuram P.O Kuthattukulam, Ernakulam Dt, Kerala.
Shankar P Hangirgekar*, Vijay V Kumbhar,Navanand B Wadwale
School of Chemical Sciences, S.R.T.M.University, Nanded-431606, Maharashtra India.
Dharshini¹, Dr.S.Sumayaa², Dr.T.Thirunalasundari ³
1Research Scholar, Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Head of the Department, Department of Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappali, Tamil Nadu, India.
3Principal, Thassim Beevi Abdul Kader College for Women, Kilakarai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Md Sheeraz1*, Arsheed Iqbal1, Naquibul Islam1, Abdur Rasheed2, Haider Ali Quraishi1, Shameem Rather1, Ruqaya Qayoom1, Md Danish1
1Department of Moalajat, Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Srinagar, J and K.
2Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Bhadrak, Orissa.
Syed Sabahat Ashraf *, Naquibul Islam, Md Sheeraz, Arsheed Iqbal, Haider Ali Quraishi, Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Md Danish
Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Srinagar, J and K.
Arsheed Iqbal*1, Md Sheeraz1, Afroza Jan1, Haider Ali Quraishi1, Raheem A2
1Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine-University of Kashmir- Srinagar.J & K.
2CCRUM-Ministry of AYUSH-Govt. of India-New Delhi.
Arsheed Iqbal*1, Afroza Jan2, Md.Sheeraz1, Haider Ali Quraishi1, M.A.Wajid3, Raheem A4
1Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, University of Kashmir, Srinagar , Jammu and Kashmir, India.
2Deoband Unani Medical Collage, Deoband- U.P.- India.
3Ex.Deputy Director- RRIUM-Srinagar- Ministry of AYUSH- Govt. of India - New Delhi.
4CCRUM-Ministry of AYUSH- Govt. of India - New Delhi.
Patil N. D.1, *Patil K.S.1, Marathe R. P.2
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Government College of Pharmacy, Kathora Naka, Amravati, Maharashtra- 444604, India.
2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Government College of Pharmacy, Aurangabad, Maharashtra-431005, India.
Diksha G Ramtekkar, Dr.Nibha D Bajpai
Department of Cosmetic Technology, LAD and Smt. R P College for Women, Seminary Hills, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Akula Prudhvi Sai Krishna, Mohammed Haneefunnisa
GITAM Institute of Pharmacy, Gitam (Deemed To Be University), Rushikonda, Visakhapatnam-45.
M.B Bhaltadak*., H. A Navthale, R. R Thenge. S.A Shinde., V. S.Adhov
Dr. Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy, Malkapur-443101, Maharashtra, India.
Jayashree .S1, K.Vijayalakshmi2, Reena Rosy Thomas3
1School of Biochemistry, REVA University, Bangalore.
2Department of Biochemistry, Bharathi Women’s College, Chennai.
3Division of Social Sciences, IIHR, Bangalore.
Sangeeta Verma, Shivali Singla*, Sachin Goyal
Himalayan Institute of Pharmacy, Kala-Amb, Sirmour (H.P.).
Juluri Krishna Dutta Tejaswi1*, Dr. R. Govinda Rajan2
1Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur (AP), India.
2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Hindu College of Pharmacy, Amaravathi Road, Guntur (AP), India.
Uthkarsha Vinesh*, Nikhil Kurian, Nivya P.S., Vanendra Yadav S., Nandan H.N., Divya Shree N.
*Bharathi College of Pharmacy, Bharathinagara, K. M. Doddi, Mandya, Karnataka, India – 571422.
Warad T.A*1, Karbhari V.N2, Dhanasure S.G3
1Latur College of Pharmacy Hasegaon, Latur Maharashtra.
2Maharashtra Poly. Pharmacy Institute Nilanga, Maharashtra.
3Maharashtra College of Pharmacy Nilanga, Maharashtra.
Waseem Yahya Khanday, Prashant Mathur
Department of Pharmacy Practice, Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Science and Technology, SGRRITS, Patel Nagar (248001), Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
Waseem Yahya, Prashant Mathur
Department of Pharmacy Practice Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of Technology and science (SGRRU), Patel Nagar, Dehradun (248001), Uttarakhand, India.
Mamatha Kola*, G. Kaushal Puri, M. Tanveer Unnisa, J. Swapna, K. Phanivarma
S.S.J College of Pharmacy, V.N.Pally, Gandipet, Hyderabad, 500075.
Dr. Md. K. Rahman*1, Dr. G. V. Nagaraju2, Dr. N. Tendu Pranadeep3, Qudsia Fatima4
*2Clinical Pharmacist, HBP Department, Apollo Hospitals, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India
3Dept. of Pharmacy Practice, Koringa College of Pharmacy, Kakinada, A.P, India.
4Clinical Pharmacist, Help Hospital, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Suraj A. Kamble*, Pritam Kumbhar1
*Department of Pharmaceutics, SVPM’S College of Pharmacy, Malegaon Tal: Baramati, Dist: Pune India.
1Department of Pharmaceutics, Dattakala College of Pharmacy, Swami-chincholi Bhigwan Tal: Daund Dist:Pune 413130, India.
N.Muruganantham1*, T. Arunachalam1, P.Ranjitha1, P.Anitha1, Anjalai1, Sivasangari1
1*Department of Chemistry, Thanthai Hans Roever College (Autonomous), Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.
2Department of Physics, Roever College of Engineering and Technology, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India.
Joslin J*, Bharani S Sogali**
Department of Pharmaceutics, Krupanidhi College of Pharmacy,#12/1,Chikkabellandur,Carmelaram Post,Varthur Hobli, Banglore-560035, KA.
Pranshu Tangri1, Deepak Chandra Sharma*1, Sunil Jawla2, Ravinesh Mishra3
1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shri Guru Ram Rai University Patel Nager, Dehradun- 248001, Uttarakhand, India.
2Adarsh Vijendra Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Shobhit University, Gangoh, Saharanpur-247341, Uttar Pradesh, India.
3School of Pharmacy and Emerging Sciences, Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technology, Baddi (Solan)-173205, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Meshram S. M.1, Mohture V.M2
1Manoharbhai Patel College of Art, Commerce and Science Sakoli. Dist. Bhandara. MS.
2Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi Arts, And Science College Nagbhir, Dist. Chandrapur.MS.
Kulkarni A.S1*, Bundel S.S2, Thoke S.T3. Attal.V.R1. Shital Allapure1
1SBNM College of Pharmacy, Hatta, Basmat, Hingoli, Maharashtra, India.
2SVP College of Pharmacy (B.Pharm), Hatta, Dist.Hingoli.
3SSS Indira College of Pharmacy, Vishnupuri Nanded.
Shubhechha Bansod, Vaishnavi Bankar, Manisha S. Karpe, Vilasrao J. Kadam
University of Mumbai, Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutics, C.B.D. Belapur, Sector 8,Navi Mumbai- 400614, India.